Coriell Cell Repositories
Sponsoring organization
Coriell Institute for Medical Research
Repository website
Primary contact
1-800-752-3805 in the United States
1-856-757-9697 from other countries
Sample types available
Cell cultures from small number of MS subjects.
Extensive collections of DNA and cell cultures from subjects with other conditions.
Online catalog can be searched by many parameters.
Sample-processing information
Not specified.
Data available for each sample
For MS samples:
Cell type
Cell line
Quantity of available samples
Small number (approximately 15) from subjects with multiple sclerosis.
Extensive collections of DNA and cell cultures from subjects with other conditions (may be useful as controls).
Who can request samples
Interested researchers.
Online catalog provides pricing for each sample. Customer service line is available for more information.
How to request samples
Register and order online. Online registration includes Statement of Research Intent form and NIGMS Human Genetic Cell Repository Material Transfer Agreement (Assurance Form).
Requirements associated with sample use
Not specified.
Ongoing sample collection?
Sample Publications
No publications pertaining to MS or related disorders listed as of March 26, 2012.