Fan Mail
“I am very impressed ... a really useful and interesting site.”
Dr. Alasdair Coles, Senior Lecturer, University of Cambridge
“The site looks very good... The articles are very high quality and I congratulate you and your writers.”
Tim Vollmer, MD, Professor and Director of Clinical Research, University of Colorado
“I’ve had a look at your site and must congratulate you on such a fine job ... This will be a very valuable resource for the MS community.”
Juan Carlos Lopez, Editor, Nature Medicine
“The MSDF is a lifeline for those of us who struggle to keep up with the vast array of new research findings in multiple sclerosis - particularly in areas where we don't have particular expertise. The articles' brevity, and their clear and engaging style, fit perfectly with the schedules of busy researchers. Over time, this model should increase the relevance of our work.”
Daniel S. Reich, MD, PhD, Chief, Translational Neuroradiology Unit, Neuroimmunology Branch, National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke
“The multiple sclerosis field is substantially more difficult at this moment to try to wrap one’s arms around. But the wonderful thing about this moment in time for MS is that there are a good number of drugs that may alter the natural history of the disease. It is probably a generation-long task to work them all into a logical, coherent therapeutic armamentarium. I think that [MSDF] will help in that process by being an honest broker … an authentically important goal.”
Dr. Richard Ransohoff as quoted by Science Translational Medicine in an article about MS Discovery Forum.
“Your article [on imaging] is excellent. You’ve covered tremendous ground and spoken to many well-chosen experts to balance your reporting. This piece really covers ‘MS Imaging in 2012,’ and I’ll recommend it to students and residents who want a quick and comprehensive overview of the field.”
Rob Naismith, MD, Assistant Professor of Neurology, Washington University