An Animated Word Cloud of MS Clinical Trials
Developed by Khawai.
This set of word clouds will allow you see the most common terms used in scientific studies describing multiple sclerosis clinical trials.
You may animate the visualization to see how the terms change from year to year, or you may stop it at any year between 1993 and 2014.
To increase readability and usefulness, we eliminated irrelevant words (e.g. “the,” “and,” “on,” “in,” etc.) and those that were especially common (most notably “multiple,” “sclerosis,” and “MS”).
The size of each word is a function of its frequency. The colors were chosen randomly, except that they are all part of a color-blindness-friendly color palette.
A tag cloud (word cloud, or weighted list in visual design) is a visual representation for text data, typically used to depict keyword metadata (tags) on websites, or to visualize free form text. Tags are usually single words, and the importance of each tag is shown with font size or color. This format is useful for quickly perceiving the most prominent terms and for locating a term alphabetically to determine its relative prominence.