Centre d'Etude, de Ressource et de Veille en Neuropathologie (CERVEN) de la Salpêtrière, Paris
Sponsoring organization
Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris
Note: CERVEN is a member of BrainNet Europe.
Repository website
Primary contact
Pr. Jean-Jacques Hauw
Dr V. Sazdovitch
Tel 01-42-16-18-81/01-42-16-18-84
Sample types available
Spinal cord
Peripheral nerves
Other tissue
Sample-processing information
Nervous tissue is stored in formaldehyde and then cryopreserved in one of 10 deep freezers connected to alarms. The management of the bank is computerized.
Data available for each sample
Not specified.
Quantity of available samples
Quantities not specified. Diseases represented include:
Alzheimer disease
Motor neuron disease
Parkinson disease and other parkinsonial disorders (progressive supranuclear palsy, multiple system atrophy)
Huntington disease
Multiple sclerosis
Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease
Who can request samples
The brain bank is open to every research team provided the research has been approved by an ethics committee.
The specimens are offered free of charge.
How to request samples
Not specified.
Requirements associated with sample use
Ethics committee approval.
Ongoing sample collection?
Sample Publications
No publications pertaining to MS or related disorders listed as of April 12, 2012.