Consortium of Multiple Sclerosis Centers / NARCOMS 2016 Fellowship
Request for Applications: Consortium of Multiple Sclerosis Centers (CMSC) / NARCOMS 2016 Fellowships
The Consortium of Multiple Sclerosis Centers (CMSC) and NARCOMS are pleased to announce a funding opportunity for a one-year fellowship working with both organizations.
Purpose of the Annual Awards:
1.To expedite and enhance the process of analyzing North American Research Committee on Multiple Sclerosis (NARCOMS) registry data and publishing the results in peer-reviewed journals.
2.To increase contributions to the knowledge base of MS research in applicable areas, such as epidemiology, patient reported outcomes and healthcare utilization.
3.To encourage specialization in MS among clinical researchers and postdoctoral fellows.
Terms of Each Award:
-$80,000 annually + fringe benefits+ $6,000 travel/conference allocation
-12 month term
-May be extended subject to availability of funding and satisfactory performance evaluations; to be agreed upon no later than 10 months into the fellowship
-Up to 0.5 FTE to be allocated for collaboration on ongoing NARCOMS research, with the rest of the time commitment reserved for independent research lead by the fellow
-Research focus to be aligned with the candidate’s expertise and interest, subject to NARCOMS Executive Committee approval
-PhD or similar degree in Epidemiology or Biostatistics
-Experience in MS research preferred (not required)
-Demonstrated ability for independent research, including statistical analysis, manuscript writing and publishing
-Relocation not required but can be discussed (reimbursement not available)
Application Process:
-Full application due no later than midnight (12am) EST on Monday, February 1, 2016
-The following documents are to be submitted in PDF-format to
o Cover letter indicating background, research interests and experience, and reasons for applying
o CV including a list of recent publications and presentations
o Three (3) letters of recommendation
- Phone interviews for selected candidates to be conducted in February 2016
- Final decision by March 2016
Please e-mail your application packet to