Dublin Brain Bank
Sponsoring organizations
Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland
Neuropathology Department of Beaumont Hospital
Repository website
Primary contact
Ms. Teresa Loftus
Project Coordinator
Dublin Brain Bank
Neuropathology Department
Beaumont Hospital
Dublin 9
Tel 01-809-2706
Fax 01-809-2995
Sample types available
Diseases represented include:
Alzheimer disease
Parkinson disease
Motor neuron disease
Multiple sclerosis
Huntington disease
Normal controls
Sample-processing information
Fresh frozen
Formalin fixed
Specific protocols not specified.
Data available for each sample
Not specified.
Quantity of available samples
Not specified.
Who can request samples
The Dublin Brain Bank continuously strives to build a high-quality sample collection that is accessible to neuroscience research groups nationwide in the future.
The bank is operated on a not-for-profit basis, and no charges are made for supplying tissue samples other than necessary costs associated with tissue preparation and transport.
How to request samples
Investigators interested in applying for tissue need to complete tissue requisition forms and provide a record of the research groups’ ethical approval. The application will then be considered by the Dublin Brain Bank Advisory Board prior to approval. Applications can be found at http://www.rcsi.ie/files/2010/20101115105226_researchers_applicationformdbb.doc.
Requirements associated with sample use
Within 12 months of receipt of tissue, recipient scientists will be required to submit a brief summary of how the tissue was used and the results obtained. Any material not used must be returned to the brain bank. All publications containing results obtained using tissue provided by the brain bank must explicitly acknowledge the brain bank.
Tissue transferred from the brain bank to the recipient remains property of the brain bank. Recipients are only entitled to use the tissue within the terms of this agreement and are not permitted to sell, loan, or provide the tissue to a third party without prior written consent from the brain bank.
The tissue must be used only for the original project specified on the Tissue Request Application. Any modifications to the agreed protocol must be approved by the brain bank before the new protocol is implemented.
Ongoing sample collection?
Sample publications
No publications pertaining to MS or related disorders listed as of May 4, 2012.