GNbAC1, a humanized monoclonal antibody against the envelope protein of multiple sclerosis-associated endogenous retrovirus: a first-in-humans randomized clinical study. Curtin F, Lang AB, Perron H, Laumonier M, Vidal V, Porchet HC, Hartung H-P Clin Ther. 2012 Dec; 34(12):2268-78. PMID: 23200102. Abstract
Safety Study of GNbAC1 in Multiple Sclerosis Patients, 17 Apr 2014 Accessed on 8 Sep 2014 from
Good Early Results for HERV Suppressor in MS Gever J, Medpage Today, 30 Apr 2014 Accessed on 5 May 2014 from
GeNeuro Successful Phase 2a Clinical Study Reinforces Novel Approach to Treat Multiple Sclerosis: Patients Receiving First in Class GNbAC1 Mab Are Stable After One Year GeNeuro, 28 Aug 2014 Accessed on 8 Sep 2014 from
A phase IIa randomised clinical study of GNbAC1, a humanised monoclonal antibody against the envelope protein of multiple sclerosis-associated endogenous retrovirus in multiple sclerosis patients. Derfuss T, Curtin F, Guebelin C, Bridel C, Rasenack M, Matthey A, Du Pasquier R, Schluep M, Desmeules J, Lang AB, et al. Mult Scler. 2014 Nov 12. PMID: 25392325. Abstract
GeNeuro and Servier sign partnership to develop first medicine addressing a causal factor of multiple sclerosis Business Wire, 2 Dec 2014 Accessed on 2 Dec 2014 from
The neutralizing antibody GNbAC1 abrogates HERV-W envelope protein-mediated oligodendroglial maturation blockade. Kremer D, Förster M, Schichel T, Göttle P, Hartung H-P, Perron H, Küry P Mult Scler. 2014 Dec 5. PMID: 25480862. Abstract
A phase IIa randomized clinical study testing GNbAC1, a humanized monoclonal antibody against the envelope protein of multiple sclerosis associated endogenous retrovirus in multiple sclerosis patients - A twelve month follow-up. Derfuss T, Curtin F, Guebelin C, Bridel C, Rasenack M, Matthey A, Du Pasquier R, Schluep M, Desmeules J, Lang AB, et al. J Neuroimmunol. 2015 Aug 15; 285:68-70. Epub 2015 May 20. PMID: 26198921. Abstract
Immunologic monitoring during a phase 2a trial of the GNbAC1 antibody in patients with MS. Zimmermann M, Sanderson N S, Rasenack M, Lalive PH, Lang AB, Curtin F, Lindberg RLP, Kappos L, Derfuss T Neurol Neuroimmunol Neuroinflamm. 2015 Oct; 2(5):e144. Epub 2015 Aug 20. PMID: 26380353. Abstract
GeNeuro Announces the Launch of Phase IIb Proof-of-Concept Study with GNbAC1 in Multiple Sclerosis and Servier Equity Investment GeNeuro, 18 Dec 2015 Accessed on 22 Dec 2015 from
Experimental RRMS Therapy to Be Tested in a Phase 2b Clinical Trial Semedo D, Multiple Sclerosis News Today, 22 Dec 2015 Accessed on 22 Dec 2015 from
Serum pharmacokinetics and cerebrospinal fluid concentration analysis of the new IgG4 monoclonal antibody GNbAC1 to treat multiple sclerosis: a Phase 1 study. Curtin F, Vidal V, Bernard C, Kromminga A, Lang AB, Porchet H MAbs. 2016 Mar 30. PMID: 27030142. Abstract