What is the Multiple Sclerosis Discovery Forum?
The Multiple Sclerosis Discovery Forum (MSDF) is an online resource that aims to accelerate progress toward cures for multiple sclerosis and related disorders by sparking new ideas and catalyzing unforeseen connections. The site focuses attention on what is known and not yet known about the causes of these conditions, their pathological mechanisms, and potential ways to intervene. By communicating this information in a way that builds bridges among different disciplines, we will open new routes toward significant clinical advances.
For more information, see Overview.
Who is behind the Multiple Sclerosis Discovery Forum?
The site was developed and is maintained by editorial staff at the Accelerated Cure Project, which is responsible for its content, in collaboration with the MassGeneral Institute for Neurodegenerative Disease Informatics group, which has developed the software platform.
The Multiple Sclerosis Discovery Forum is a free resource supported by a grant from its founding donor, EMD Serono, which has no control over the project.
Who should join?
The Forum is for clinical, translational, and basic researchers from academia, industry, and government, with an interest in multiple sclerosis and other demyelating disorders of the central nervous system. The site also welcome journalists, caregivers, patients and anyone else who wants to keep up with the latest in research in these fields.
Why should I join?
Anyone can view MSDF News, Papers, Discussions, Professional Resources (except full member profiles), Research Resources, and commentary, and can receive the site's Newsletter. However, only members can:
Post comments and participate in discussions;
View full profiles of other members;
Post bulletin board notices;
Contact fellow members through email links on the site.
Registering also demonstrates your support for the Multiple Sclerosis Discovery Forum and will contribute to the site's long-term success.
How can I join?
Go to the Registration page and fill in the few required fields. You will receive an email with a link that will allow you to activate your membership. After you do so, your profile will appear in the MSDF directory, you will have full access to all site features, and you will be able to submit comments and start discussions.
How much does it cost?
Nothing. The Forum content and features are free to all visitors.
How can I contact the Multiple Sclerosis Discovery Forum?
Multiple buttons appear on the site for specific purposes; some of these require login. You can also email the editorial staff at editor@msdiscovery.org.
How can I submit a meeting announcement, funding opportunity information, job advertisement, bulletin board notice, or useful link?
From each of those pages, select the "Submit New Item" button and follow the instructions; note that you must be logged in to use the buttons. Alternatively, you can send an email to editor@msdiscovery.org.
You do not have to be a member to submit meeting announcements, funding opportunity information, job advertisements, or useful links, but you can use the buttons only if you are.
How can I suggest a correction or addition to one of the items in Research Resources or anything else on the site?
Send an email to editor@msdiscovery.org.
Why fill out my Membership profile?
Your profile makes it easy for colleagues to identify you as someone who shares their interests. You can include your CV and upload your publication list too.
Why comment?
Your comments enrich the Multiple Sclerosis Discovery Forum and offer a way for you to voice your opinions. All comments are moderated, which means that the MSDF editors will read them to ensure that the postings are on-topic, civil, and constructive. For more information about site usage, including member communications, please see the Terms of Use.
How do I submit a comment?
You must be a member to submit comments. If you are logged in, you will see a comment-entry box at the bottom of content pages on which you can comment. Type or cut and paste your text into the box and click the "submit" button.
I submitted a comment but I don't see it online; what happened?
Comments are moderated, which means that the MSDF editors will read them to ensure that the postings are on-topic, civil, and constructive. This process can take up to a day or two, so please be patient. You will receive a confirmatory email when your comment posts.
How do I start a discussion?
From the Home or Forums pages, click on the button. Doing so will open a form where you can enter your text, an image, references—whatever you need to launch a discussion. Once you submit the form, the MSDF editors will review your submission to ensure that it is on-topic, civil, and constructive. Then they will post it or contact you for additional information.
Other questions?
Please email info@msdiscovery.org.