Multiple Sclerosis International Federation (MSIF)
McDonald Fellowship
The McDonald Fellowship is an annual award made to young researchers from emerging countries. The fellowship enables the recipients to work with the world’s leading researchers in MS with a view to returning to their own country to establish a program of MS research that involves the application of the newly learned techniques. Deadline: 30 June 2016
Du Pré Grant
MSIF offers the Du Pré Grant to young researchers to enable them to undertake short visits to other MS research centers, either to learn more from each other or to carry out parts of joint research projects. The aim is to encourage cross-fertilization of skills through collaborative research projects. Deadline: 16 June 2016
The Charcot Award
The Charcot Award is offered every 2 years for lifetime achievement in outstanding research into the understanding or treatment of multiple sclerosis. The winner is invited to give the Charcot Lecture at the biennial MSIF Council Meeting and European Committee for Treatment and Research in MS (ECTRIMS) Meetings. £1,500 award, plus travel expenses to meeting. Invited nominations only.
Young Researchers Award
The MSIF Young Researchers Award is given for the best presentation of a translational project by a young researcher at the annual congress of the ECTRIMS. The winner is selected by a panel. The £1,500 award aims to support young researchers and encourage them to remain in the MS field.