FOCIS 2014: Spotlight on Translational Immunology
FOCIS is the meeting in translational immunology that will give you a competitive edge in your career. FOCIS 2014 will be held June 25-28 at the Sheraton Chicago Hotel and Towers in Chicago, Illinois. Mark your calendar for the most dynamic presentation of immunology and its supporting cast of immune-mediated disease that you'll see all year! The Scientific Program Committee consists of leading researchers and clinicians from across the globe. Since its conception in 2001, the FOCIS organization has grown to 54 Member Societies that collectively represent more than 65,000 basic and clinician scientists. Each year, the FOCIS meeting brings together researchers and clinicians from around the world, working in more than 30 clinical specialties, and provides them with a forum to gather and share the latest finding, breakthroughs and therapies related to human disease. The FOCIS concept posits that interrelationships between fields sharing clinical immunology expertise will build a better and faster pathway to improve knowledge that leads to new therapies for inflammatory diseases. World-renowned speakers in the field of clinical immunology will explore their work and touch on the five themes embraced by FOCIS: Immunoregulation, Immunogenetics, Host Defense, Immunodiagnosis and Immunotherapy.