Myelin Gordon Research Conference
Venue: Ventura Beach Marriott Our knowledge of the biology, physiology and pathology of myelinating cells in the central and peripheral nervous system is growing rapidly. The 2014 Myelin Gordon Conference will reflect the dynamic expansion in this field of neuroscience by bringing together researchers who are at the cutting edge of myelin biology to discuss the latest and most significant progress in the field. The emphasis of this conference will be on the relationships between myelin development, disease and regeneration, and will highlight basic cellular and molecular mechanisms of significant clinical relevance. Tentative topics include the biology of oligodendrocyte and Schwann cell progenitors, stem cells, inducible pluripotential stem cells, cytoskeleton of myelinating glia, myelin and axonal integrity, physiology of myelinating glia, ER stress and myelination, myelin regeneration and repair, developmental white matter injury, adult myelinogenesis, and the role of social and cognitive experience in myelination. We will make a special effort to invite young investigators as speakers. Senior investigators, who are leaders in the field, will serve as session chairs to ensure a lively discussion of topics. We particularly encourage members of under-represented minority groups to attend. All attendees will contribute either an oral or a poster presentation, and we expect to select some of the posters for short talks.