Multiple Sklerose und Erbanlage. Leipzig: G. Thieme, 1933.
Suggested By Thomas Murray
Many authors in the late 19th and early 20th century noted more than one case of MS in a family but dismissed this repeatedly as coincidental. Curtius in Germany in 1933 provided convincing evidence of a familial relationship, probably a genetic factor, in 10% of families with MS, which was 42 times greater than expected risk calculated from studies at the time. He referred to 84 other observations of familial cases in the literature and reported a careful study of 3,129 relatives of 106 MS cases in Bonn and Heidelberg.
Multiple Sklerose und Erbanlage. Leipzig: G. Thieme, 1933.
Suggested By Thomas Murray
Many authors in the late 19th and early 20th century noted more than one case of MS in a family but dismissed this repeatedly as coincidental. Curtius in Germany in 1933 provided convincing evidence of a familial relationship, probably a genetic factor, in 10% of families with MS, which was 42 times greater than expected risk calculated from studies at the time. He referred to 84 other observations of familial cases in the literature and reported a careful study of 3,129 relatives of 106 MS cases in Bonn and Heidelberg.