Australian Brain Bank Network
Sponsoring organization
National Neuroscience Facility
Repository Web sites
The network is a collaboration among brain banks across Australia including:
New South Wales Brain Bank Network
Queensland Brain Bank
South Australian Brain Bank
Victorian Brain Bank Network
Western Australian Brain Bank
Primary contact
Professor Catriona McLean (Director)
Ms. Fairlie Hinton (Coordinator) ABBN
National Neuroscience Facility
Level 3, 161 Barry Street
Carlton South Victoria 3053 Australia
Tel 61-3-8344-1900
Sample types available
Fresh, frozen, or formalin-fixed human brain and spinal cord tissue.
Sample-processing information
Not specified because it can differ slightly between brain banks within the network.
Data available for each sample
Postmortem delay
Diagnostic group
Quantity of available samples
2304 total, 27 of which are from multiple sclerosis cases
Other diagnoses are as follows:
503 Alzheimer-type pathology
23 cerebellar atrophy
393 control
5 encephalitis
31 encephalopathy
139 frontotemporal lobar degenerations
12 hemorrhage
6 hippocampal sclerosis
40 Huntington disease
1 inflammation
47 ischemic pathology
3 leukoencephalopathy
252 Lewy body disease
3 mitochondrial disease
132 motor neuron disease
29 multiple system atrophy
32 neoplasm
411 no significant pathology (including psychiatric cases)
2 previous cerebral surgery
116 prion disease
31 rare pathology
3 substantia nigra degeneration (non-PD)
47 trauma
16 vessel pathology
Who can request samples
Neuroscience researchers who have obtained appropriate Human Research Ethics Committee approval for the specified project from their parent institution.
To offset the considerable expenditure by the ABBN for the procurement of tissue including processing and operation costs associated with donor recruitment, tissue collection, processing, diagnosis, storage, data management, and quality assurance, an access fee will apply. Access fees will be discussed with the applicant beforehand.
How to request samples
Complete the Tissue Request Application available here:
The initial inquiry will be forwarded to the appropriate brain bank within the ABBN. The brain bank will send its full Tissue Request Application and Tissue Transfer Agreement.
For more information, contact the ABBN Coordinator, Fairlie Hinton, at
Requirements associated with sample use
May differ by brain bank as the content of the Tissue Request Application and Tissue Transfer Agreements are determined by each state in accordance with state legislation and current ethical and privacy standards. All applications are reviewed by the States' Scientific Advisory Committee. Provision of tissue to the applicant will be determined by the States' SAC and will be based on scientific merit and feasibility of the research proposals.
Ongoing sample collection?
Sample Publications
This information will be updated on the ABBN website.